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BAMS Admission 2019
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    Deals with the study of normal physiology in human beings from both ancient and modern viewpoints with sufficient practical training. The corner stone of Ayurvedic physiology is the dosha-dhatu-mala siddhanta. This theory provides a holistic framework to understand how the body digests and metabolises food into subtle forms of matter and energy to create and maintain a delicately balanced internal environment that is conducive to the preservation of the life process.  The doshas represent the dynamic balance of opposing factors that govern the physiological processes in the body while the dhatus represent the structural components of the body and the malas the wastes that are thrown out of the body or recycled to support the structure or functions of the body. This department trains the student in basic concepts of Ayurvedic physiology as well as the essential aspects of modern physiology comparing and contrasting the convergence and divergence of ancient and modern viewpoints.
    Deals with the study of human body in relation to its physiological norms as described in Ayurveda in the form of dosha, dhatu & malas. It deals with the normal function of living organisms and their parts and the way in which a living organism functions.
    Ayurved is concepts of Sharir Kriya deals with the functions of Dosh, Dhatu and Malas. According to the Ayurveda, every individual is unique entity for knowing this uniqueness of every individual 'Prakriti Parikshan' is essential. 'Prakriti Parikshan' is the analysis of body and mind.
    It finds its parallel in the modern discipline of human physiology.
    Human physiology is the science of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of humans, their organs, and the cells of which they are composed. The principal level of focus of physiology is at the level of organs and systems within systems. Much of the foundation of knowledge in human physiology was provided by animal experimentation. Physiology is closely related to anatomy; anatomy is the study of form, and physiology is the study of function. Due to the frequent connection between form and function, physiology and anatomy are intrinsically linked and are studied in tandem as part of a medical curriculum.

    Colleges Offering:
    1. Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Ayurvedic Medical College,Udupi
    2. Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Ayurvedic Medical College,Hassan
    Admission Procedure
    The candidate should clear an entrance test for getting admission to post graduate degree in ayurveda. The selection pattern will be based on the index mark score of the candidate for the entrance test along with the final degree written examination marks of the candidate. The total index mark is out of 100 in which 80 marks is for the entrance examination and 20 marks for the qualifying examination. The questions are of objective type from Ayurvedacharya regulated by CCIM. The general category students need a score of 50% to get admission while 40% is enough for reserved category. The candidates are given a chance to change their specialization till the second month after the candidate has got admission in the institute with the permission of the guide in that specific department.
    Job and Career options
    It is accepted worldwide and is preferred by many as it does not have any side effects. The medicines are a combination of organic matter and are proved very effective for many diseases which were considered as incurable. The candidates can choose medical field or can enter into research. There are opportunities available in the teaching profession also. Doctors who are trained in yoga can use both which is of great demand in the present days.
    Remuneration after Masters
    Doctors are paid with a basic salary of around Rs. 20000 in the public sector and the pay is further high in the private sector. Those with experience will get placed in reputed institutes which will increase their earning. Those who are self employed will get an income based on the effort they put into their work. The candidates working in tourism field, star hotels etc will get a pay based on the field in which they are employed.

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