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BAMS Admission 2019
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    Imparts training on the principles and practice of Social and Preventative Medicine at both the personal and communal levels. Promotion of positive health is dealt with from the Ayurvedic viewpoint. Naturopathy and Yoga also come under the purview of this department. Social and Preventative Medicine in Ayurveda deals with elaborate guidelines and regimens for maintaining and promoting health of the individual and the community as a whole. Regulation of life style, diet and behaviour on the basis of diurnal, seasonal and geographical variations as well as the constitution of the individual is an important component of preventive medicine in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic dietetics is a discipline in itself. Measures for periodical purification and rejuvenation of the body aims to promote vitality and positive health of the person. Ayurveda also deals with the principles of epidemiology and the prevention and management of communicable diseases. This department gives comprehensive training on preventive aspects of health care integrating modern concepts with principles of Ayurveda as well as yoga and naturopathy.
    Deals with the state of  health and the regimens to be followed to keep oneself healthy  such as dinacharya (daily routine), ritucharya(seasonal routine),diet and its significance in healthy and diseased condition, sadvrtta(moral codes) and yoga. In general, it  deals with the concept of social and preventive medicine.
    Swasthavritta is a science of Health, which prescribes the theory, and practice of the maintenance of public and private health. Swasthavritta in Ayurveda means maintenance of the health of an individual. The ayurvedic lifestyle followed during the yester years and the vitality of the people living then is proof in itself on how beneficial following a healthy regime is.

    The rules and regulations in respect to maintaining proper well being of the physique are two-fold: i) Consumption of diet and ii) Observance of personal, moral, seasonal and spiritual conduct. 

    Swasthavritta mainly emphasizes on following a proper daily regime as well as seasonal regime. Daily regime deals with instructions for day-to day living like morning routine, basic cleanliness, natural urges, evening routine etc. Apart from this there are added features like the importance of medicinal smoking and tambula chewing. The seasonal changes and climatic changes also have a particularly important effect on the health. Hence Ayurveda has recommended a seasonal specific conduct. These activities help us to cope up with the changes in the environment.

    Swasthavritta also includes Sadvritta that can be classified into five types i.e. Good mental conduct, Good social conduct, Good religious conduct, Good personal conduct and Good moral conduct.

    Colleges Offering:
    1. J G Co-Op. Society`s Ayurvedic Medical College
    2. Shri Jagadguru Gavisiddeshwara Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Koppal 
    3. J.S.S.Ayurvedic Medical College, Mysore
    4. Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Ayurvedic Medical College,Hassan
      Employment Areas
    • Health Centers
    • Herbal Product Manufactures
    • Hospitals
    • Educational Institutes
    • Medical Tourism
    • Hotels
    • Private Practice
    Job Types
    • Teacher
    • Researcher
    • Production Manager
    • Nutrition Expert
    • Medical Officer
    • Manager
    • Kaya Chikitaka (Physician)
    • Expert
    • Consultants
    • Ayurvedic Supervisors
    Remuneration after Masters
    Doctors are paid with a basic salary of around Rs. 20000 in the public sector and the pay is further high in the private sector. Those with experience will get placed in reputed institutes which will increase their earning. Those who are self employed will get an income based on the effort they put into their work. The candidates working in tourism field, star hotels etc will get a pay based on the field in which they are employed.

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